What's Next

As a Bridging Banquet attendee, you will have several other professional development opportunities during the academic year. Many of these are opportunities to re-engage with alumni you met at the Bridging Banquet. While not required, we encourage you to participate in them.

October – “Learn from an Aggie”
You will be provided with a set of insightful questions you can ask of your alumni connections/mentor to help you develop a post-graduation career plan.

November – “Getting in the Door”
In collaboration with Career Services, you will be encouraged to work with alumni to polish your resume or discover tactics for getting an interview at a prospective employer.

January – “Interviewing”
Students and alumni may participate in SAA’s networking week on campus by joining in mock interviews. Career services will facilitate feedback on students’ performance. Students who are unable to attend may watch them on Facebook live to learn and ask questions of participants.

February – “Field Trip”
If permissible, alumni will welcome students who would like to visit their workplace to learn about their industry/business/organization.

April 3 – “Closing Social”
We want to take time to thank our alumni and student participants. Students and alumni may share their experiences and lessons learned. Program administrators will listen and learn how to improve future programs.